Personally, I hate the term "epic". I feel it's way over used; however, as I sit here and reflect on 2017 it seems to be the only term that is really fitting.
2017 has been EPIC! I've climbed mountains, discovered new passions, hiked, camped, and explored new places. I've traveled to far away lands and made new friends here and abroad.
I've canoed with alligators, swam in alpine lakes, and witnessed the totality of a solar eclipse.
I've reconnected with my brother, changed jobs and taken risks.
What started as a simple hashtag about an upcoming trip turned into a personal mantra - a commitment to myself to continue the adventure. To not settle and to chase what's truly meaningful rather than sit idle in the mundane.
Here's to many more adventures in 2018! Here's to not being stagnant and continuing to explore. Here's to always being #SawtoothBound! HAPPY NEW YEAR!